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VAQUEIRO;   Vestido de couro da cabeça aos pés, o vaqueiro enfrenta a natureza jnóspita do cerrado e do sertão, em seu trabalho ao ar livre. 0 chapéu protege sua cabeça do sol, gibão e perneiras evitam que seu corpo se fira d urante as carreiras a cavalo, ajuntando e conduzindo bois.

Desde os primórdios da colonização, a criação de gado contribui para a ocupação das regiões interioranas, corn terras menos favoráveis às monoculturas estabelecidas no litoral. 0 historiador Capistrano de Abreu falou de uma "civilização do couro" na qual tudo, da casa à alimentação, girava em torno do boi e das tecnologias de processamento de sua carne, couro e chifres.

Longe da disciplina rigida do trabalho vigiado nas grandes plantações, a pecuária institui um outro modo de vida, no qual o trabalhador comum tinha relativa autono mia. Talvez por isso, o vaqueiro veio a simbolizar, para os brasileiros, a independência e grande resistência fisica e moral.

ELIZABETH TRAVASSOS Coordenação de Folclore e Cultura Popular — FUNARTE


"COWBOY"; Dressed in leather from head to feet, the cowboy faces the wild nature of the barren lands and inland in his open air work. The hat shields his head from sun, and the leather jacket and leggings prevent his body from being hurt during the horseback riding, when he keeps the cattle together and guides them. Since the beginning of colonization cattle raising has contributed for the occupation of the inland country which had less favorable lands for the monocultures established in the coast. The historian Capistrano de Abreu talked about a "hide civilization" for which everything from the house to the food moved around the bull and the technologies concerning the processing of its meat, hide and horns. Far from the rigorous discipline of the surveyed work in the large plantations, the cattle raising established a different way of life in which the common worker had a relative autonomy. Maybe for this reason the cowboy became a symbol for the Brazilian people of independence and great physical and moral resistence.


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Last updated: 12/22/11.

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Last updated: 12/22/11.

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 Copyright 2012 notice: Please note that most material on this site is copyrighted, if pieces and bits of this site is found in other locations without proper authorization there are happy lawyers that would be glad to contact you. If you would like to use some pictures, contents of this site, please contact author first
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Last updated: 12/22/11.

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 Copyright 2012 notice: Please note that most material on this site is copyrighted, if pieces and bits of this site is found in other locations without proper authorization there are happy lawyers that would be glad to contact you. If you would like to use some pictures, contents of this site, please contact author first
For problems or questions and advertising regarding this Web site contact email vivabrazil.
Last updated: 12/26/11.